

Friday, November 28, 2014

DIY Christmas Ornament Cards Make 54 cards for less than $15!

I'm always interested in trying new and creative things. For our wedding we sent them out as treasure maps in plastic bottles - we literally sent plastic bottles in the mail with a stamp slapped on. It was awesome and everyone loved receiving them.

This year for Christmas I decided I wanted to send my card as those cute little round ones that can be hung on trees. I however did not want to spend almost $4 a piece on them!

So I designed my look, and uploaded it on, under the product 'Multi-purpose Cards', in circle format. These are custom cards you can make. I've used them in the past to make a homemade card game, and flash cards for my kindergartner. It's printed on a nice card-stock, and shiny and perfect. They're about 3 inch in diameter, which is a good size in my opinion. You get 54 of them for $13.99 - but do a quick search for current coupons and you can probably get it cheaper. I got mine for $10.49 shipped with a code for 25% off and free shipping. 

So $10.49 for 54 cards isn't bad! I got cute red envelopes on eBay for $5, but you could use regular envelopes. I punched a hole in each one at the top and strung cute ribbon through it. 


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